Start Intro Process

This section details the steps for initiate teaching bubbles in various tabs of External User Manager.

Start Intro Process from Requests tab:

Go to Requests tab. 

To the left of "Search for Requests" text box, click on three lines available. 

Click on link "Start Intro Process". Teaching bubble starts from Approver View toggle field.

Click on Next and user will be navigated to the list of Teaching bubbles as mentioned below with Next button:

Open Requests

Access Reviews

Approved/Denied Requests

Add Requests

Manage Requests

My open Requests

My Access Reviews

My Approved/Denied Requests

Delete Request

Teaching bubble in Request tab ends with Go to Overview tab.

Start Intro Process from Overview tab:

Go to Overview tab. 

To the left, click on three lines available. 

Click on link "Start Intro Process". Teaching bubble starts from Avg. External Users.

Click on Next and user will be navigated to the list of Teaching bubbles as mentioned below with Next button:

Avg. Inactive Users

Avg. New Invite Requests

Avg. Access Violations

External Accesses


Teaching bubble in Overview tab ends with Go to Settings tab.

Start Introduction from Settings tab:

Go to Settings tab. 

Click on Start Introduction button. Teaching bubble starts from Welcome Page.

Click on Next and user will be navigated to the list of Teaching bubbles as mentioned below with Next button:

Grant Application Permission

Grant Delegated Permission

Enable Approval for Team Owner

Approver List

Add Approver

 Mail Account

Customize Notifications

Access Review Time

Enable Auto Rejection

Access Review Auto Rejection Time

Teaching bubble ends with Thank you, and with End Introduction button.

This completes the steps to initiate Teaching bubbles in External User Manager.