Activate Doc ID feature: 

This section describes the functionality of Activate Doc ID feature for Templates in Collaboration Manager 365. 

Document ID feature is applicable only for classic sites.

When Document ID is activated for a specific site collection, a unique Document ID is associated to the document by the SharePoint. An example of the same is explained below. 

1. Create a new template "Template000005" using section Create Template.

2. Edit the template "Template00005" and add new folder "DocLibrary" using section Update Template.

3. Click on icon "Settings" and click on link "Site Information".

4. Click on link "View all Settings".

5. Click on link "Site collection features" from "Site Settings" page.

6. From the Option "Document ID Service", click on button "Activate".

7. Status is displayed as "Active".

8. Go to Collaboration Manager 365 main menu, click on link "Setup" in left navigation. Click on link "Templates" under Settings. 

9. From Templates tabular view, Click on pencil icon "Edit".

10. Select the checkbox "Activate Doc ID feature" and click on button "Update". 

11. Go to Templates page of Collaboration Manager 365 and select the template "Template000005".

12. Click on link "DocLibrary" in left navigation and click on link "Upload" and select "TESTDOC3.docx" from local computer.

NOTE: TESTDOC3.docx should be available in local computer.

10. Select the document from the list and click on link "Show Actions" from right corner under column "Name". Click on link "Details".

11. Details related to the document is listed in the right corner and there is a display of "Document ID". The value for this Document ID is unique and is associated by the SharePoint.

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