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With Solutions2Share Workflow Permission administrators can permit SharePoint Workflows for users.
Permitting workflows allows you to coordinate your business processes much easier.

After installing Solutions2Share Workflow Permission the WorkflowPermssion feature must be activated on web site level.

A new menu entry will appear in your list or library settings: “Workflow Permission Settings”.
If the menu entry is missing, you probably have not enough permission to change the Workflow permission.
Therefore check the site permissions for checked “Manage Permissions” or contact an administrator.

In the configuration page you can enable the Workflow Permission or disable it with just using the corresponding radio buttons.
On the right side all current workflows are listed. For each workflow name there is a corresponding user field. In this user field you can add all users, SharePoint groups or Active Directory security groups to permit to the workflow.
CAUTION: If the user field is empty all users are authorized to this workflow. After a single person is added to this field, this person will be the only authorized person for this workflow.
Website administrators are affected by the Workflow Permission and are allowed to start a workflow at all times.