Create High Trust Certificate

Authentication between our App and SharePoint happens through certificates. Therefore, we need to create a public and a private certificate in order any communication between the App and SharePoint will be encrypted. This guide will explain on how to use an Enterprise certificate. In general, it’s also possible to use self-signed certificates, but only recommended for development environments (and additional configuration needed – not part of this guide).

To create High Trust certificate, we can use a Web Server template with an “Enhanced Key Usage”:

  • Server Authentication (

The easiest way to create such a certificate is to use IIS Manager  Server Certificates

Select “Create domain certificate” (requires Enterprise Certificate Authority) and populate all fields.

  • Common Name (CN), can be anything e.g.: MeetingManager
  • All other fields (like Organization, OU, City, Country, …) are up to you.

Use “Next” to proceed to the Certificate Authority page. Here you can select your Enterprise Root Authority to submit the request to.

  • Friendly name can be anything e.g.: MeetingManager
  • Submit the request
  • Typically, the certificate gets issued immediately. This is the case when the certificate is listed. If not, you need to approve it in the Enterprise Root CA, then issue it.